Building community futures through co-operation – download (PDF 7Mb)


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Study circles require skilled facilitators

The Centre for Rural Communities is in negotiation with Federation University to provide professional pathways for facilitators from any sector through a Graduate Certificate in Regional Community Development in the Faculty of Arts and Education.

Or the Centre can provide facilitation or support training of facilitators to use the model of Collaborative Engagement for Transformation designed into the study circle kit.

Please contact for further information.

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Study circles require skilled facilitators

International approaches include:
Sweden educates study circle facilitators in the same way we educate teachers with results that continue to impress
National Council of Adult Education…/sweden-he-swedish-national-council-of-adult-education..

Swedish Adult Education Association – Folkbildningsförbundet

The USA has an impressive array of organisations using this approach but no central organisation.  One of these is  Study Circle Facilitator’s Packet – University of Idaho Exte  www.extension.uidaho.ed/…/Study%20Circles%20Facilitator%20Guide….

Australia has a history of using study circles for adult education in Aboriginal Reconciliation, Water use/management, trade unions, religious groups etc.  Excellent resources have been produced and programs initiated. – Australian Study Circles Network: About US

All are dependent on skilled facilitators –

Study circles have traditionally been discussion based.  The community futures study circle regards action as a key component of learning and taking ownership of leading change therefore extra steps are incorporated into this kit.  The strategies of visioning and action are introduced only after groups have agreed on ways of working and decision making – they are designed to support communities finding points of connection not further division.

The Centre for Rural Communities is in negotiation with Federation University to provide professional pathways for facilitators from any sector through a Graduate Certificate in Regional Community Development in the Faculty of Arts and Education.

Or the Centre can provide facilitation or support training of facilitators to use the model of Collaborative Engagement for Transformation designed into the study circle kit.

Please contact for further information.