Facilitator: Fiona York
The Goongerah Study Circle proved a good mix of interests across the nine members. Common themes identified by the group included education, employment and housing. Although anticipated ‘outcomes’ did not occur immediately, most felt the experience to be valuable – learning facilitation skills, the need for ground rules and recapping – they became more confident to speak in a group.
After the official ‘end’ of the study circle, participants suddenly became extremely active – the community group G’DAEE became a vehicle for Study Circle ideas and other projects. They include:
A bike track. Off-road and running the length of Goongerah, to enable safe access for children to get to school, as well as residents and tourists. It would include interpretative information on the surrounding forest and history of the town. An emphasis on using local knowledge and local people to build the track would provide employment.
A range of partnerships resulted in $55,000 being allocated to employ a local person. Two community walks, attended by 30 people identified the route.
Family Fun Day. An event to bring the community together: a market emphasising locally made produce; BBQ; children’s activities; and construction of a community banner.
Childcare. G’DAEE received funding from C4C Local Initiatives Project to facilitate education for 3 local people. This could be for Family Day Care Certificate III to allow childcare in children’s homes or at the hall. There has also been progress on the after school care through the Goongerah School Council.
Potential has been realised – working together without ego, open forum.